Game dont inject
Guys i have a problem.
I deactivate everything (Antiwrus, Firewall, Blitz, )
I download the Hotfix patch, i download c++, i put cheat inand i rename cheat file.
When i Inject the Chat is comes the WIndow with 2 that i log in but than the windows close, thy come no "fine"
When i ingame i cant press shift they dont come the cheat menu but i see the radius from towers ...What did i wrong ?
Make sure have your folder on C:\ and your computers/drive name have English characters.
i have it on C:/Toir
I have Hoftfix patch
I deactivate everythingBut still dosnt work right.
When i Log in :
They 2 comes but then the windows closed. -
Can you forward teamviewer information via private message?
sure bro
Download, install and restart
still not working
tell me id -
I have the exact same problem.. what is the fix?
same issue
same here, only 11.16.1 inject, the new one don't inject
i cant inject either since purchased